Sutherland Uniting Church, 9 Merton Street, Sutherland

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Sutherland Uniting Church is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Place of worship  


9 Merton Street, Sutherland, New South Wales 2232

Establishment   Place of worship  

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  • Melanie Kelly
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Unfortunately the minister, Kamaloni Tuiono, ruined our wedding day and caused great stress and upset. Poor communication (multiple emails and calls to no avail) and then when I was desperate (continued calling, emailing etc) for information ie service schedule several days out from wedding, he was extremely rude. Due to his not getting back to us till the last minute it was extremely challenging with booking car times, reception and transport for guests. He threatened two days out not to do our wedding and actually yelled at me that "I chose the service, not you and if you don't like it go elsewhere". This was after I told him the time I had allocated to the service due to his not communicating and my having to give the other service providers times. I have witnesses to this event. The day prior we did a run through, which I had to beg him to do. Which, turned out to be nothing like our actual service including the time it took. It was extremely upsetting him throwing in things like "can the brides parents come up" on the day when, I didn't have parents. Which if he'd have had any communication, done an actual run through he would have known. It was extremely unprofessional and distressing. To this day, three years on, I still look back at the service with sadness and regret. And the huge amount of stress I felt as well as my husband, friends and family leading up to the day then the appauling service itself. He initially seemed lovely as per our initial phone call and meeting at his house. But that was it. From there on in it was a nightmare. Sadly I can not recommend this church due only to the ministers extremely poor service and absolute lack of professionalism or care (including not having the right paperwork and a family friend, a priest, having to rectify it for us), understanding of any type or empathy. Very disappointed and upset to this day. In hindsight I should have made an official complaint. I would sincerely encourage no wedding be considered here so not to have the awful experience, that we will keep forever, happening to anyone else. A horrible man who ruined the most important day of mine and my husband's life.
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Sutherland Uniting Church is based in Sutherland. Full address is 9 Merton Street. Australia postal code is 2232. We invite you to visit the official website of Sutherland Uniting Church . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Sutherland Uniting Church.
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